Meet Us

Genessa Belzile - Owner and Teacher
Bonjour, and Hello! I am Genessa Belzile, and a long time resident of Beaumont. I am married, have three children, love to read, camp and explore the world for all of its beauty. This is currently my sixth year of owning the playschool and my ninth year of teaching at the playschool, I most definitely enjoy the time I have in my classrooms, and all that your families bring to the class!
I have my certificates as an Educational Assistant and Early Learning Childcare. - a level 3 Childcare Worker, with also my Child CPR/AED training.
I look forward to growing the learning of PLAY in the community and the children to learn through imagination, exploration and make new discoveries in and out of the classroom.
I am Jennifer Kozakewich, a resident of Beaumont, and both my sons attended L Ecole des Petits preschool the first year Madame Genessa and Madame Helene took over. I fell in love with both teachers, and how the children were treated. Being in the school was such an awesome experience, filled with learning, chatter, and so much laughter. I am excited being given an opportunity to learn and grow with the school.

Katie Forre - Teachers Assistant

Kelsey McKelvey- Teachers Assistant